Writing on behalf of the sponsor/ the child who has been sponsored as a consequence of the language barriers.

We believe in the value of bringing together people of all cultures who are committed to working for the protection, education and empowerment of children.
When you know that your work will help impoverished kids to get the skills and resources they need to pursue their dreams, we provide you with that rewarding opportunity to make a difference and be the change in their lives.
Become a part of our talented community!
Are you looking for an exciting volunteer opportunity? Join us at WAF HELPING HANDS OUTLET at 3150 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough, ON M1J 2H2 to start volunteering with us
Help hands on at our upcoming events, whether it is an emergency food relief distribution, a breakfast provision program, blood campaign and more. You get to see hands on and help the children and underprivileged families. (include in description that if they have a business we can promote it along with waf ). A checkbox at the bottom of the form that they agree to the terms and conditions for hosting an event that will be prompted to scroll down/read before checking and submitting form.
We are always looking for doctors, nurses, midwives, and other medical practitioners to volunteer with us. Most communities are inclined and don’t have properly built pathways for vehicles to even access their community. They are also not closeby to any hospital or medical facilities. We are always in need of extra help in aiding these communities.
Many children never get the opportunity to continue their education. Due to a various amount of reasons. One of them is the lack of resources, staff, and infrastructure. The financial stability of a child’s family can be the reason for a child dropping out of school to make ends meet. In addition to these unfortunate circumstances, most children don’t have the opportunity to learn English, which restrains them from a vast amount of opportunities and reaching their full potential. You can be the turning point in a child’s life. You can be the reason a child flourishes in their education and becomes successful in society.
You will get a chance to work with a choice of 3 age groups and can apply to teach any of the following subjects: math, english, science, art, music, civics & careers, and sports training.
Writing on behalf of the sponsor/ the child who has been sponsored as a consequence of the language barriers.
Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.
Social Media Influencers
Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.