Frequently Asked Questions

Sponsorship brings together funds from supporters to assist children with educational opportunities so they can achieve their goals and have a successful future. 

The ability to actively participate in the improvement of our cause which safeguard children. From your sponsorship we make sure to encourage children to achieve their goals with confidence to take up leadership abilities and the best education possible  to build a better future for themselves. Your sponsorship will fund your child’s education, nutrition, health care, access to resources, opportunities and assist the family to support their child.

You’ll get updates, photos and videos on your sponsored child’s development to see his/her progress.

We have a system for evaluating the progress of our work, which ensures that the child is receiving the said resources and guidance making the best impact on children.

Writing letters is one way. You and your child will learn about each other’s lives and families through letters.

You can surprise the child you sponsor by sending him/her Christmas greetings and gifts.The simple joy of receiving a personalized Christmas card and gift is a powerful and concrete reminder of God’s love in a world where it might be easy to despair. 

Sending birthday cards, birthday cakes and funding surprise birthday parties can also be a pleasant surprise. Sending a birthday cake might seem a trifle to you, but it can mean a lot to a kid who has never had one before. Volunteering and visiting your child in person can be the most impactful way to connect with your child. This can give them the happiness and memories that will be life changing and never forgotten.

Hearing from a small child from halfway around the world makes the world seem better. Seeing the child grow before my eyes makes growing older a little easier. Knowing that I can make a small difference in a child’s life inspires me to look for new ways to influence the world daily.
-a sponsor.

Children develop a sense of belonging as a result of their interactions with their family, community, culture, the places they explore and especially  their lifechanging sponsors.  Child sponsorship is more than just a donation. You can interact with your sponsored child, motivate him/her, share words of comfort, and have a positive impact on his/her life. Through the letters you receive, you may see the sponsored child grow. You’ll notice that this humanizes the experience and makes it “real” and “tangible,” as if someone is relying on you. Your responsibility to this child will inspire you to keep going.

When you write, your sponsored child will receive both the original and a translation of your letter. Similarly, you’ll get a translation of your child’s original letter, in whatever language that you choose. In any case, the child will be educated in English, because it is  a universal language. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate with your sponsored child.

There are alternative options for helping. You can, for example, request a special outing for your child through our volunteers. Funding a special outing means that a volunteer can  take the child to a restaurant, a zoo, a waterfall, a place where they never got a chance to go that they wish to visit or experience.  Once you send a request, we will approve the trip, schedule it and send you pictures and/or videos. Other ways to help the child can be surprising your child with a birthday cake, sending him/her Christmas gifts or greetings, and providing him/her  with educational equipment or stationery. Your contribution will give hope and bring happiness to the child you have sponsored.

We hope that children will remain in the sponsorship program until they have completed high school, post-secondary, completed skills training, or until they  have developed the skills needed to become self-sufficient.

Access to proper education.

Build leadership qualities and self-confidence.

ensuring good health and safety.

Provide children with proper nutrition for their growth and wellbeing. 

Promoting mental health, and a sustained environment to be raised in.

You can surprise the child by offering a birthday cake.

You can send them christmas gifts or greeting cards. 

You can even help the child by providing food, health care facilities, educational equipment or stationeries as of your preference. You can always resume the monthly sponsorship when you are able to again, and continue to write to your past sponsor.

We will send a thank you letter along with a system generated receipt within a few weeks of time after the donation is received.

Yes, we do have a call center open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you are unable to contact us, please leave a descriptive message.